Werrington Parish Church


Thank you for taking the time to read our Giving page and finding out ways you can support Werrington Parish Church. We are thankful for all your gifts, no matter how large or small, “God loves a cheerful giver”. We thank you for joining in, as together we can make a real contribution in furthering God’s mission and ministry here in Werrington and supporting our Mission Partners. Whether you are able to contribute financially, or through the giving of your time and talents we hope you will be inspired to give generously, “for we are never more like God than when we are giving”.  If you’d like to consider leaving a legacy to Werrington Parish Church please do ask for further information.

 … remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”’ Acts 20:35b.

Whatever your circumstances, please pray and listen to God; reflect on what He’s sharing with you and spend time reading through relevant passages in the Bible.


How can I give?

Every gift is precious no matter how large or small or how it’s made and it’s only through giving that we can provide the church and community services that we do at Werrington Parish Church.  Financially, regular monthly giving enables us to plan better and reach as many people as we can in the name of Jesus.

Online Giving

You may decide to make a one-off donation by clicking on the ‘Give Now’ button at the top of this page or you may want to set up regular giving through …..

Standing Order

The easiest way for you to give regularly is by setting up a standing order through your bank account. You can do this online/via your bank’s App or by printing and completing this form and sending it to the Parish Office. Here are our account details:

PCC of Werrington Church
Bank: CAF Bank
Account Number: 00023969
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Quote the reference as your first name and surname.

Cheques and Cash

These can be left in the baskets or plates available at each Sunday service or you can send them to the Parish Office. You may also donate by using the the electronic Collectin®  with your debit/credit card. Contactless payments are supported

Giving by Card

Both St. John’s and Emmanuel churches have devices which will accept your gift using all major debit/credit cards. They are located by the entrance/exit of each church. Please ask for assistance if you need it.

Gift Aid

If you are a UK taxpayer and have paid or will pay sufficient tax, we can reclaim an additional 25% on top of your gift. To enable us to do this, please print, complete this form and send it to the Parish Office.