What's It Like Here?

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How do we support the community?

Births, Baptism, Confirmation, Marriage, Bereavement

Life Events

Who should you contact and
how can we help to support you?

Village Centre

Find out more about what we do
and how to book.

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Connect is at Emmanuel on the first Sunday of each month except for August. 6:45pm for cakes and drinks for a 7:00pm start.

Messy Church
Our next Messy Church is on Sunday 9th February at 4pm in Werrington Parish Village Centre (click here to see the poster). There will be the usual crafts, activities and a FREE sandwich tea. Our theme is Feeding the Crowd. We look forward to seeing everyone again. Children, please remember to bring an adult with you!
Try Praying

You may have seen posters up around Werrington; when it comes to prayer, do you know where to start? It’s easier than you think.


TryPraying is a seven-day guide (either a booklet or an app) to help get you started. Why not give it a try – “God, I’m not sure you are there, but if you are I want to get to know you…”


To request a trypraying booklet, please click here and fill in a few details so we can post a copy to you; alternatively download the APP for the full version of the 7 day journey Try It | trypraying


There are also some great resources on the Trypraying facebook page…… https://fb.watch/4kgZrVEqBD/ 

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